IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology (T-SLDM) is an open-access online journal which has been launched in 2008. The purpose of T-SLDM is to publicize research results in the field of system LSI design methodology. All articles in T-SLDM are written in English.

T-SLDM covers various aspects of system LSI design. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

System LSI Design Methodology
System LSI Design Experience
Architecture Design Methodology
Hardware/Software Co-Design
Design Description Language
Behavioral/Logic/Layout Synthesis and Verification
Test Design and Design for Testability
Circuit Simulation and Modeling
Analog CAD
Technology CAD
Low Power Design Methodology
Design for Manufacturability
Design Environment

Every article in T-SLDM is given DOI and JOI numbers.

T-SLDM is indexed by a number of major databases including:

  • EI
  • DBLP
  • SwetsWise
  • SciVerse Scopus
  • Google Scholar
  • Microsoft Academic Search
  • CrossRef
  • JDreamll
Inquiries should be directed to tsldm-submit (at) sig-sldm.org.
Copyright (C) 2011 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology.